The title of this blog has two meanings. One: dominant women are people just like everyone else. We are not just the bitchy stereotype you see in porn. Two: It’s a tribute to Bitchy Jones. It’s not just Bitchy who thinks there are a host of problems with the scene as it is now.
While you’re here, let’s talk about my comment policy. If you’re a racist, misogynist, or other strain of asshole, I will block you and delete or edit your comments as I see fit. If you are merely a waste of space (harddrive space, even a teeny tiny little bit of it, still has a value), I will still block you and delete or edit your comments as I see fit. I don’t care to have worthless bullshit on my blog and seeing as I’m the one who pays for the bandwidth, what I say goes.
Note: I hate to have to add this, but unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in the world. For the last goddamn time, I did not write maymay’s Fetlife Age/Sex/Location search. Even if you downloaded it from and not maymay’s personal site, the part where it says “By Meitar Moscovitz” right under the title should have been a tip off. This is your fair warning that all messages implying I wrote the script will be deleted.
I want to a sex slave to a strong beautiful dominant woman
Wow. I am actually kind of impressed by how hard you just failed.
Here are some links for any readers out there who might not be lost causes, because this poor stupid fuck is clearly beyond my help.
Leading with your kink
Being kinky is not a substitute for being interesting
The bar is not that high, guys
And finally,

Yay for everything! For this place and for Bitchy Jones. Thanks for having your say. So glad I found you.