“Yes, Roya” is an erotic graphic novel written by C. Spike Trotman and drawn by Emilee Denich. It’s fucking amazing and you need to buy it right now. To give you some idea what it’s about, here’s the summary from the Iron Circus store:
Wylie Kogan is an aspiring artist, stumping for work in 1963 California. When a fawning fan letter grants him access to his cartoonist hero, the wealthy and celebrated Joseph Ahlstrom, he’s quick to take advantage of a proffered portfolio review . . . but winds up learning more than he ever wanted to about Joe when he stumbles across some of his idol’s illicit fetish art.
His hasty, ill-considered theft of a drawing triggers a series of events he never planned on . . . most of which involve Joseph’s imposing and resolute partner, Roya.
Now let’s talk about my ridiculous and fawning love for it.
You might have gathered from the allcaps that I’m a little bit excited about that 🙂 Obviously not everyone who has a vagina enjoys penetration, and some people who like it okay like other things more, etc, etc, which is no way makes it not absolutely fucking amazing to see a dominant woman depicted as a) liking sex, and b) not appearing any less dominant because of it. The idea that dominant women are only allowed to fuck in certain ways and certain positions or they’ll magically stop being dominant irritates the shit out me. They’re my nerve endings and I’ll stimulate them how I like, asshole. If you think refusing to follow your idiotic orders makes me less dominant, you’re just too stupid to talk to.
When I read “Yes, Roya” I felt seen and more than that, celebrated. Somebody actually created a character who enjoys sex the way I do and thought “yes, this is so hot that I’ll make money by publishing it.” It’s amazing to see something like that in a sea of terrible bullshit where dominant women only exist as props and have no desires of their own.
Also fantastic: she has interests besides dominating people! Considering “Yes, Roya” is an erotic graphic novel I couldn’t have complained too much if there was only enough characterization to set up the smutty parts, but all the characters have interests and goals beyond getting their perv on. Roya and her partners just plain like each other too, which is really lovely to see. It makes me so happy to see a dominant woman character who gets to be a person as well as a dom.
Yes, Roya combines a really cute story with smoking hot porn. Buy it, you’ll love it!
Hi there
Great recommendation thank you very much.
My Goddess and Lover, a true sadist whom I am blessed to serve, has asked me to find some femdom videos that are exclusively from the perspective of the Domme, she only wants to watch really sexy hot men being tortured and degraded. I have searched and searched and haven’t found a site that meets her minimum expectations.
If you or any of your readers can help recommend a site that is purely for the Sadistic Woman in the S&M world I would be forever grateful.